Maize, known as corn in some regions, is the second most crucial crop globally, both in terms of cultivated area and production output. Its adaptability is exceptional because it can be grown up to 2700 meters tall. Beyond this elevation, the cold weather creates a problem, especially for maize growth and development during crucial stages like blooming and grain-filling.
Maize as a C4 crop demonstrates enhanced photosynthetic efficiency and is often better adapted to warm climates and conditions of water stress.
One of the best strategies to increase maize production is to increase plant density. This strategic approach has shown to be quite successful in highlighting the significance of maximizing planting density to maximize maize output. By using this technique, farmers may maximize the potential of their maize crops, increasing yields and ensuring the sustainability of food production. Besides that maize yield can also be increased by following these steps.
Major Fertilizer application
Plant nutrients are essential to increase yields. For optimal yield, maize crops can be fertilized with 160/200:60:40 kg of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P2O5), and potassium (K2O) per hectare. Meeting the nutrient requirements is crucial for enhancing maize productivity, as various nutrients play essential roles in the growth and development of the crop.

Nutrient availability is strongly influenced by pH and is probably the second most important reason for soil pH management. Macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), potassium (K), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) are mostly available in slightly acidic to moderately alkaline soils, while the availability of micronutrients such as iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), is increased in moderately acidic soils.
Phosphorus (P) availability is restricted to a fairly narrow, neutral pH range. Below a pH of 6.5, P becomes unavailable as it forms insoluble compounds with Fe and Al. Conversely, above a pH of 7.5, P becomes unavailable as it forms insoluble compounds with Ca and Mg. Molybdenum (Mo) availability also deviates from general micronutrient trends, as it is most available in alkaline soils.
Finally, for some nutrients, availability can depend on other soil factors apart from pH. For example, Mg deficiency in maize is most common in soils that are sandy and low in organic matter, and which have both low pH and low cation exchange capacity (CEC). The nutrients needed to increase the productivity of maize are as follows:
Farmyard Manure (FYM)
The application of sufficient well-decomposed farmyard manure increases soil organic carbon. Increasing soil organic carbon improves both the efficiency and resilience of the maize production system. It improves the nutrient and water intake by plants, which increases both yields and the resource efficiency of land, nutrients, and water.
It also increases water retention, especially as it is often combined with added soil cover, as in conservation agriculture. This combination makes the system more resilient to the variability of precipitation and extreme events. Increasing the amount of carbon sinks in the soil helps to mitigate climate change by capturing carbon. Restoring infertile soil and raising the soil’s organic carbon content is crucial for all of these reasons.
An application of well-decomposed farmyard manure (FYM) at 10 tons/ha/season is recommended in maize. Of which 50% of nutrients will be available to the first crop. The remaining amount of nutrients will be available to the subsequent crop. To enhance maize productivity, a combined application of both farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizer is recommended rather than inorganic fertilizer alone, as this is less likely to compromise soil fertility.
Nitrogen (N)
Nitrogen is an important element for maize, yet the one that most often limits yield. N increases vegetative growth and the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. Nitrogen determines the number of leaves the plants produce and the number of seeds per cob, and therefore determines yield potential. About two-thirds of the N absorbed by the plant ends up in the kernels at maturity.
Nitrogen is vital for maximizing maize yields, supporting leaf development and photosynthesis. The effectiveness of it depends on the availability of enough sulfur. As a key protein building block, nitrogen deficiency results in short cobs with fewer grains, underscoring its critical role in maize growth.
Phosphorus (P)
Maize is also demanding for P and is quite sensitive to low P availability, especially in the early growth stage. Fertiliser P should be applied at sowing, as most of the P is taken up early in the life of plants, particularly as it is required for healthy root development. For this reason, P fertilizer should be placed where it is easily accessible to the roots: the best location for this is banded below the seed at sowing.
Phosphorus plays a crucial role in promoting root development and ensuring successful crop establishment.
Potassium (K)
Maize takes up potassium (K) in a relatively large amount. About 86% of the K taken up accumulates by silking and only 19% of this is contained in the ear and shank portion. Therefore, most of the K absorbed remains in the stubble and is then recycled through crop residues for subsequent production.
Sufficient potassium intake is essential for stomatal closure in addition to mitigating the effects of frost damage and preventing lodging. The plant loses water when its potassium levels are low, highlighting the significance of potassium for preserving the right water balance.
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesium is essential for chlorophyll, forming the central structure with four nitrogen molecules, crucial for maintaining a vibrant green leaf canopy. Additionally, magnesium, along with sulfur and iron, enhances photosynthetic activity and sustains robust growth, contributing to high yields.
Zinc Sulphate (ZnSo4)
Zinc is important for photosynthetic activity. Zinc sulfate is commonly used in maize farming to address zinc deficiencies in soil, which can limit crop growth and yield. Applied either through soil or foliar application, zinc sulfate promotes proper plant development, improves nutrient uptake efficiency, and ultimately enhances maize productivity, ensuring healthier and more robust yields.
Apply ZnSO4 @ 20 kg per hectare.
Ferrous Sulfate (FeSo4)
Iron sulfate is vital in maize cultivation as it helps prevent iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC), a common issue in alkaline soils. By supplying iron to plants, iron sulfate promotes chlorophyll production, ensuring healthy leaf development and photosynthesis. This enhances maize growth and productivity, leading to improved yields.
Apply FeSO4 @ 20 kg per hectare.
The micronutrient boron, which is present in borax, is directly related to grain set since it is involved in cell elongation and pollen tube growth. A limited grain set, characterized by a few large grains and a lot of missing kernels, might result from a boron deficiency. A greater grain yield of maize can be achieved by applying boron foliar or in the soil during the period of stem elongation (V5–V7).
Apply borax 5 kg per hectare.
Other crop management practices to increase maize yield.
Selection of maize variety
The selection of varieties that are suited to the desired cropping system is very important. Modern hybrid varieties have greater yield potential, are more responsive to inputs (fertilizer, water, and pest management), and are more resilient to climate-related stresses such as drought, cold, floods, pests, and diseases than the most traditional varieties.
The priority should be on varieties with the following traits:
- High grain yield potential
- Resistant to insects and diseases
- Grain quality desired by consumers and market demands.
- High grain yields at the specific location
- Adaptability to floods and droughts, and day-length neutral
- Desired growth duration, and
- Tolerance to local soil problems such as salinity, deficiency in zinc, phosphorus, and iron, or toxicity of iron, manganese, and aluminum.
Land Preparation
For maize cultivation, sandy to clay soil is preferred. Maize cultivation performs best on well-drained, aerated deep loams and silt loams containing high soil organic matter and nutrients. Highly saline, acidic, alkaline, and waterlogged soils are not suitable for the cultivation of maize and should be avoided.
Land preparation is done by plowing the field by using a disc/M.B. plow. This is followed by using the cultivator 3-4 times and harrowing one after another alternately to pulverize the soil. If the field is not leveled, a laser leveler can be used prior to final field preparation. In the case of hard pan development, a sub-soiler should be used to break this down. During land preparation, the following amounts of compost and bio-fertilizers should be applied:
- FYM or @ 200 Q/ ha.
- Neem Cake @ 250 Kg per ha
- Bio-Fertilizers KSB @ 3 kg per ha
- Bio Fertilizers PSB @ 3 kg per ha
- Bio Fertilizer Azotobacter @ 3 kg per ha.
Planting method
Raised bed or ridge planting method:
This is the best method for cultivating maize during the monsoon and winter seasons, under conditions of both excess moisture and limited irrigation availability. Sowing should be done on the southern side of the east/west ridges/beds, which helps ensure good germination. Planting should be done with the proper spacing. Preferably, the raised bed planter would have an inclined plate, and cupping or roller-type seed metering systems should be used to facilitate the proper placement of seeds and fertilizers in one operation, leading to good crop stand, higher productivity, and greater resource-use efficiency. Using raised bed planting technology, 20-30% of the irrigation water can be saved with higher productivity.
Seeding rate and spacing
Studies carried out in China have indicated that a highly effective approach to boosting global maize production involves increasing plant density appropriately. To achieve a substantial grain yield, it is recommended to aim for a plant density of up to 90,000 plants per hectare for winter maize. This desired plant population density can be attained by spacing rows 60 cm apart and plants 20 cm apart. Seeds should be planted at a depth of 4–5 cm. Depending on their size, between 15 and 20 kg of seed is required per hectare of land.
Seed treatment with fungicides and Insecticides
Seed treatment is necessary to protect the maize crop from seed- and soil-borne diseases and insect/pests. Soaking the seed overnight in warm water enhances uniform germination and helps maintain proper plant stand.
To protect the maize crop from seed and soil-borne diseases and insect pests, seed treatment with fungicides and insecticides before sowing is advisable and recommended as per the given details.
S.N. | Disease/insect-pest | Fungicide/Pesticide | Rate of application (g kg-1 seed) |
1 | Turcicum Leaf Blight, Banded Leaf, and Sheath Blight, Maydis Leaf Blight | Bavistin + Captan (1:1ratio) | 2 |
2 | Pythium Stalk Rot | Captan | 2.5 |
3 | Termite and shoot fly | Imidacloprid | 4 |
Planting Date
The optimum date of sowing is critical for winter maize is around mid-October. recommend that the planting date be between November 20 – December 10 considering the recent trend in the perceived and documented climatic shift. Low temperatures during December and January are critical when the temperature remains below 7.2°C, at which point the growth is reduced drastically and germination is hampered. At less than 7.2°C, maize seeds can absorb moisture, but the germination process does not start, and the seed is vulnerable to soil-borne insects and microorganisms resulting in poor stand.
Maximizing the number of grains per cob and the weight of each grain, along with planting the right number of plants to produce and maintain an effective green leaf canopy, can maximize maize output. A balanced crop nutrition program that includes all macro- and micronutrients is necessary for this. Let’s look at some easy ways to boost maize output in order to make more money.
Growth Stages | Irrigation Schedule (Days after seeding (DAS) |
Germination and establishment stage | 1-3 DAS |
Early vegetative stage | 13-15 DAS |
Late vegetative stage (Tussling) | 30-35 DAS |
Flowering stage (silking) | 45-55 DAS |
Cob and Kernel development stage | 65-80 DAS |
Critical stages of irrigation for maize: Maize crops are sensitive to both lack of moisture and excessive moisture, so it is vital to regulate irrigation according to the requirements of the crop. Ensure optimum moisture availability during the most critical phase (30 to 65 DAS), otherwise the yield will be considerably reduced. The critical stages of irrigation for maize are early vegetative, late vegetative (tussling), and flowering (silking) stages.
Weed Management
There are different methods of weed control in maize production systems. The first is the physical methods, whereby weeds are removed mechanically, by implements, or by hand. The second is cultural practices, for example, plugging during winter or early spring is an effective method of destroying the majority of weeds. To control weeds during the winter season, crops may be planted in wide rows for mechanical control. An alternative crop can control certain weeds in maize where crop rotation is practiced.
The third method is the application of chemical weedicides. Chemicals are used to kill germinating or growing weeds, or even weed seeds. However, although chemical methods of weed control save time and labor, all weedicides are poisonous to human health and to non-target pests, and they pollute the environment. Careful attention to weedicide application is therefore needed and should be handled only by a trained farmer.
Winter maize generally has a low weed infestation compared to the normal season maize, but weed management is still essential and varies with planting methods as well as the time of planting. The recommended practice for weed control in a flat planting system is to lightly hoe when necessary and to earth-up at the knee-high stage.
Thinning can be done 25 days after sowing (DAS) to maintain a single plant per hill. Two weddings are mandatory and should be done throughout the maize growing period: 1st at the knee-high stage and 2nd at the tussling stage.
In recent years, however, due to the labor shortage, farmers have felt compelled to use more economical options i.e. herbicides. Usually, broad leaf-leaved weeds and most of the grasses can be easily controlled with the application of Atrazine or Simazine @ 0.5-1.0kg a.i./ha in 1000 liters of water as a pre-emergence spray.
In ridge planting, including the transplanting system, a pre-emergence use of Atrazine (as per the flat system) is effective. Once the maize accelerates its growth after the increase in temperature in March, with full ground/canopy cover, late-emerging weeds are smothered by the dominant maize.
The cultural method uses practices common to good land and water management. These include planting weed-free crop seeds, planting crops at the right spacing, planting cover crops, using mulch, rotating crops, and intercropping. This is the preferred option for crop production, not only because it conserves the soil and stabilizes yields, but also because it helps to reduce weeds in several ways:
- The soil is disturbed as little as possible and few seeds are brought to the surface or buried in the soil. The soil is prepared for planting either by making holes or by using small tillage to make shallow furrows along the planting rows.
- When low-lying, fast-growing legume intercrops are planted, the legume covers the soil. This smothers and controls the weeds.
- Crop residue mulch also smothers the weeds and prevents them from growing and producing seeds.
- Rotating crops helps to control and reduce the build-up of certain weeds common to a particular crop.
- Striving to improve the structure of the soil and hence the health of the maize crop helps the maize to out-compete the weeds.
- However, do note that during the first years of adopting conservation agriculture, weed pressure can be strong.
Pest and disease control
Maize pests and diseases can reduce the potential yield, interfere with normal physiological development, lower grain quality, and cause lodging. The occurrence and impact of pests and diseases depend on a number of factors such as climatic conditions and the health, abundance, and varietal resistance of the host plant.
The table below lists the main pests and diseases that must be controlled for the successful cultivation and storage of the summer maize crop. Maize grown in winter is much less vulnerable to the major diseases and pests that usually attack the summer crop, albeit turcicum leaf blight common rust (diseases), and pink stem borer (pest) do still occur in moderate to high intensity.
SN | Disease and pests | Types | Crop growth stage | Control |
1 | Army worm | Insect | Mostly vegetative stage | Emamectin benzoate |
2 | Blister beetle | Insect | Grain filling stage | bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin |
3 | Cut worm | Insect | Emergence | Deltamethrin, bifenthrin, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) |
4 | Downey mildew | Disease | Early vegetative stage | metalaxyl + mancozeb @ 1kg or mancozeb 1k g/ha |
5 | Ear rot | Disease | Cob formation | Destroy crop debris, Crop rotation |
6 | Moth | Insect | Storage | Malathion 50 E C at 0.5% |
7 | Rat/mouse | Rodent | Pre-harvest and store | Use pulse poison bait for 13 days |
8 | Stalk rot | Disease | Flowering | Streptocyclin + Blitox 50 W |
9 | Stem borer | Insect | Knee high stage | Chloropyriphos 50% EC+ Cypermethrin 5%EC @1.5ml / Ltr water |
10 | Termite | Insect | Flowering | Imidacloprid 17.5% @ 1ml / Ltr |
11 | Weevil | Insect | Store | Malathion 50 E C at 0.5% |
12 | White grub | Insect | Emergence | Pyrethroid spray |
For any significant outbreak of pests or diseases, three conditions must exist in the field.
- The presence of virulent pathogens
- Favorable climatic and weather conditions in which the pathogens can multiply very fast; and
- The presence of susceptible host plants.
In conclusion, increasing maize yield involves strategic measures like optimizing plant density and employing effective fertilization techniques. Nutrient management, including major fertilizers and micronutrients, alongside organic practices like farmyard manure application, play vital roles. Additionally, selecting suitable varieties and implementing proper land preparation and planting methods are crucial for maximizing maize productivity.